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Upcoming Event

Thornton - Last Weekend of the Month Trip


The hoppers are hopping, the beetles are flopping and even maybe still some willow grubs are dropping. The waters are flowing and the trout are cruising.

This is a non-club championship YVFF event at Thornton to get away and practice dry-fly, polaroiding, nymphing and quarry-hunting techniques and other specialised techniques.

It's only 1¼ hours from the clubhouse

The more people we get to come, the more there is an opportunity to learn from someone that excels in these techniques. So, spread the word, enlist members and make it happen!!

We have booked two nights at Thornton Caravan Park (Cabin) and I'm interested to hear from people if they are interested in Friday night only, Saturday night only or both nights. All of them are possible – spend a day, spend two on the rivers – your opportunity to take steps forward in your technique(s)

There is a pub across the road that serves a regular and Chinese menu, and a cafe that serves coffee (and a good burger too)

Cost should be $30 per person per night (or less)

Book your place by adding your name to the Club Trips Notice board or click on the Register Now button.